It’s Called the Book of ACTS, Apostle Tim Davies
Apostle Tim reminds us that if we want to grow spiritually and effect change in the world, then we need to do something.
Work is exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; productive or operative activity.
James 2:21-22
21.Wasn’t our ancestor Abraham bound
righteous before God because of his works
when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22.
Can’t you see how his action cooperated with
his faith and by his action faith found its full
Apostle Tim takes a look at Abraham’s Actions.
Abraham Heard from God.
Abraham Acted in obedience to God’s word.
Abraham Maintained his faith at all times.
Abraham had an understanding of God, the true nature of God and not the
We need to practice Hearing from God, Acting in obedience to God’s word and Maintaining our faith at all times, regardless of the situation. The situation does not matter, if we understand the true nature of God.